Embark on a journey to discover indispensable phrases that will empower you to connect effortlessly with the warmhearted Tigray people and navigate the local surroundings with confidence. By embracing these essential expressions, you not only demonstrate profound respect for their rich culture, language, and traditions but also elevate the quality of your travel encounters.
Moreover, equip yourself with a handful of invaluable phrases designed to aid you in seeking comfortable accommodations and effectively conveying your preferences and requirements. With these linguistic tools in your repertoire, you can embark on a truly immersive and enriching travel experience.
እንግሊዝኛ ትዛረብ ዲኻ? Do you speak English? ኣነ እንግሊዝኛ ጽቡቕ ጌረ ኣይዛረብን’የ። I don’t speak English well. ይርድኣካ ድዩ? Do you understand? አይተረደኣንን. I don’t understand. በጃኹም ቀስ ኢልካ ተዛረብ። Please speak slowly. በጃኹም ደጊምኩም በልዎ። Please say it again. ኣነ ንሆቴል እየ ዝደሊ ዘለኹ። I am looking for the Hotel. ከመይ ጌረ እየ ናብኡ ክበጽሕ ዝኽእል? How can I get there? ክፍሊ ክሕዝ ደስ ይብለኒ። I would like to book a room. ንሓንቲ ለይቲ / ሰብ ክንደይ ይኸውን? How much is it per night / person? ገንዘብ ክቕይር ይኽእል ድየ? Can I change money? ወይኒ ክገዝእ ደስ ይብለኒ። I would like to buy a wine. እዚ ክንደይ እዩ? How much is this? ቅብሊት ክህልወኒ ይኽእል ድዩ በጃኻ? Can I have a receipt, please? |
ሆቴል ኣበይ ኣሎ? Where is a hotel? ንሓንቲ ለይቲ ክንደይ ይኸውን? How much is it per night? ቁርሲ ሓዊሱ ድዩ? Is breakfast included? ክፍሊ ክሕዝ ደስ ይብለኒ በጃኹም። I would like to book a room, please. ን2 ለይቲ / ሰሙን ዕቑባ ኣለኒ። I have a reservation for 2 nights / weeks. ድርብ / ንጽል / ስድራቤታዊ ክፍሊ ኣለኩም ድዩ? Do you have a double / single / family room? ነቲ ክፍሊ ክርእዮ ይኽእል ድየ? Can I see the room? ኣብዚ ገመድ ኣልቦ ኢንተርነት ኣሎ ድዩ? Is there wireless internet access here? ቁርሲ መዓስ/ኣበይ ይቐርብ? When/Where is breakfast served? ኣብዚ ዑደት ትገብሩ ዶ? Do you arrange tours here? መፍትሐይ ክህልወኒ ይኽእል ድዩ በጃኻ? Could I have my key, please? ይቕሬታ መፍትሐይ ስኢነ! Sorry, I lost my key! ውዑይ ማይ የለን። There is no hot water. እቲ ኣየር መቀየሪ / መሞቒ / ፋን ኣይሰርሕን እዩ። The air conditioner / heater / fan does not work. |
ትግርኛ ኣብ ኤርትራን ኣብ ክልል ትግራይን ዝዝረብ ሰሚታዊ ቋንቋ እዩ። ኣብ መላእ ዓለም ብዝርከቡ ልዕሊ 7 ሚልዮን ሰባት ዝዝረብ እዩ።.
For those whose first language is not ትግሪኛ, typing and translating from Tigrinya to English can be challenging. Many websites and agencies provide online and offline translation and interpreting services, but these services can be expensive, and free options often offer poor or unreliable translations.
While it makes sense to hire professionals for translating specialized subjects and official documents, there is no need to pay for translating commonly used words and phrases. For this purpose, our online software can be used.
Our translation software provides high-quality translation results for free, as it uses Google’s powerful translation API to instantly translate sentences between Tigrinya and English. You can use our tool to translate up to 1500 characters per request—and the good news is, you can make unlimited requests.
Though the translation result may not always be 100% accurate, it can be quite accurate with a few modifications. We have also integrated Google’s Input Tool, which allows you to easily edit or modify the translated ትግሪኛ text. Additionally, our software is continuously evolving, and we hope it will soon produce near-perfect translations.
Our tool also allows you to download or copy the translated text, making it easy to share on social media or use in word processing software (such as Microsoft Word) for further formatting.
If you have suggestions for improving our Tigrinya to English translation, please let us know on our Facebook page.
Finally, we would appreciate it if you would like and share our page with your friends and family.
You can easily translate Tigrinya words, sentences and phrases into corresponding English.
For example:Typing "ትግርኛ ኣካል ኢትዮጵያ ኣብ ዝነበረትሉ እዋን ሓደ ካብ ወግዓዊ ቋንቋታት ኤርትራ እዩ ነይሩ።" in Tigrinya will be converted into "Tigrinya was one of Eritrea's official languages when it was part of Ethiopia."
You can also use this software as a dictionary to convert Tigrinya to English.
For example:ಸಂಸ್ಕೃತಿ (Sanskriti) meaning in English will be "Culture"
ಅನನ್ಯ (Anan'ya) meaning in Tigrinya will be "Unique"
English To Swahili, Swahili to Hindi, Hindi to Swahili, English To Tigrinya, Tigrinya To English, Hindi To Tigrinya, Tigrinya To Hindi
Transliteration is a process of transferring similar-sounding words from one language to another. To give you an example, typing “Kndeyu Wag’u Ezi?“ will be transliterated into “ክንደይ’ዩ ዋግኡ እዚ?“.
Whereas, translation is a process of converting the written word from one language to another. For E.g. converting text written from Tigrinya to English.
Our online translation software uses either Google, Microsoft, or Yandex to translate word, sentence, and phrase from Tigrinya to English.
Whenever you enter words, sentences, or phrases in Tigrinya and click on the “Translate” button, our software sends a request to Google, Microsoft, or Yandex for translation.
Their backend system uses some of the cutting edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, Web APIs, Big Data, etc to perform high-quality translations, and send back the response in English.
All this process just takes a split second.>
At a moment you can only use our Tigrinya to English translator online.
However, you can download and install Google Translation Chrome extension tool on your Google Chrome browser.
With this, you can either translate the entire page you are browsing by clicking the translation icon on the browser toolbar. Or, you can also highlight and right-click the section of the text, and click on the “Translate” icon to get the translation result in a language you have chosen from the dropdown menu.
Our Tigrinya to English translation software uses automated machine-language technology provided by Google or Microsoft. As humans are not involved, in some cases it will miss the context and cultural nuances of the language.
Having said so, our translator is useful for those who need help framing the sentence and get a general idea of what the sentence, or phrase is conveying the message. With little modification, you can get near to perfect translation. We have also embedded Tigrinya to English transliteration, with a help of which you can easily edit, modify or add Tigrinya to English text.
Furthermore, the Google and Microsoft Translation API is evolving every day and as time goes by the translation result is going to be pretty accurate.
Yes. Our translator is 100% free.
However, we have few restrictions in place to ensure that robots or automated software are not abusing our service.
At any time you can translate up to a maximum of 1500 characters per request. But you can make unlimited requests provided that you don’t misuse our software.
You can use third-party services, such as Yandex to translate words or sentences embedded in images or graphics.
Alternatively, if you are using a smartphone, you can download the Google Translate app that allows you to translate a picture. For this, you need to give Google Translate access to your camera. Once this is done, you can open the Google Translate app and tap on the Camera icon to translate any text on the picture.